Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Denver Zoo!

**A whole BUNCH of Pictures!**

Thursday morning we woke up bright and early, even though we didn't get in until late Wednesday night, and went to the Denver Zoo! We were so excited to take Peyton and see her react to all the animals, but as you can see from the picture below, she slept the first hour we were there. She probably would have slept longer, but we finally woke her up.Missing out on all the fun!It's Marcel! Ok, not really, but it's the same kind of monkey. (For those of you who watch "Friends" you know who Marcel is)Poor guy:(Showing Peyton the bears! Luckily, they were so active or she would have been cranky because we just woke her up.Yikes! Look at those claws! I have a really cute video of this cute little penguin, but the videos take F-O-R-E-V-E-R to load...does this happen to anyone else? Is there a faster way to do this?I liked this little guy's afro :) Now that's a mustache!I know you like the flamingos mom, but I could honestly care less...Pretty kitty! The loves of my life! So Sweet:) She is such a people watcher! Watching the monkeys! I can't remember what this was, but she liked it.These were so tiny and cute! This was the BIGGEST gerbal I have ever seen! It had to be at least 50 pounds! This gecko was so blue! It was really pretty! Their exhibits were so close to the people...much better than the Phoenix Zoo! I don't know what the deal was with his humps...Just hanging out!Peyton liked watching the fish too! Cheese! This train is fun! Good idea daddy! ehhh...not such a good idea mom:) How come mine doesn't move up and down?She was one tired little girl after the zoo, but she was still hanging on to her souvenir!


Skaggs Family said...

OH my that elephant is as big as she is!! I also love the Denver zoo and how its laid out. wayyy better than the Phx zoo. every thing is set so far back its hard to see the animals! looks like you guys had a blast!!

Alissa Mott said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!! You have such a cute lil family!!