Monday, June 28, 2010

Proud sister over here!

Let me start with a little background info...Hailey, my little sister, is in Colorado right now for softball nationals. She made the allstar team and they had their game tonight, which they won! Well, the exciting part of this post is to brag that my little sister did so well in this game that she made All American!! I'm not sure if I worded that correctly, but anyway, basically there were some colleges there that actually spoke with her a little bit AND she was invited to play in New York next year! I can't explain how proud I am of this little girl. She is only 14 and one of the youngest girls there. She isn't even in high school yet and already has accomplished so much! We are flying to Denver on Wednesday and luckily, we will be able to see her play in another allstar game as well as the national tournament. This will be Peyton's first time flying so here's hoping she is a pleasant passenger...we'll see! Hope everyone has a happy and safe Independence Day!


Matt and Nikki Smith said...

Congrats to your little sister! That is seriously awesome. I look forward to seeing how the flying goes. We want to fly back to MD with Kendyl and I am NOT looking forward to it!

.mommy.maui. said...

That is so great! Tell her Congrats from the Hoopingarners! :) Why isn't she on our team again!? LOL! Just so you know, we aren't in Hawaii anymore. My grandma was admitted to the hospital last week and passed away Thursday morning, so we came home.