Monday, March 8, 2010

Peyton is 8 months old!

Say CHEESE! Hey Mrs. Elephant, where do you think you are going?She is just growing up way too fast I tell ya! She is walking all over (with the help of her walker, of course) rolling, and crawling every which way, but forward. We actually thought she was just going to bypass the whole crawling thing and go straight to walking, but the other day I peeked in on her while she was napping (or so I thought) in her crib and she was on her hands and knees kinda rocking herself back and forth. I didn't get a picture at that time, but I finally charged my camara and got one just now while we were doing our little 8 month photo shoot.She TRIES to feed herself, and is getting better, but she still doesn't understand the whole spoon thing so she's a bit messy:) But she likes mashed potatoes!There has also been a little spring cleaning going on around here! I finally went through Peyton's clothes and separated the ones that are too small. She was helping me too! I know her hat doesn't match, but I just put it on her while I was going through everything:) I was rolling all of her socks together and putting them in the basket and she was taking them back out one at a time! Haha! She was very content with that and it was funny because I put all of them back in the basket when she started to play with something else and when she saw me do that, she dropped her toy and started to take them out again.Isn't this the cutest little ballerina you've ever seen?!The other day I gave her a bath and before I dressed her I cleaned her ears and she loves when we do that. Her whole body relaxes and this time she ended up falling asleep. I put her diaper on and clipped her nails and she didn't wake up once! She was one tired little girl.

We also celebrated two special birthdays! On the 1st, we celebrated Kenny's dad's birthday! Paige made his cake and couldn't have been more perfect for him! It was delicious too!Then on the 4th, we celebrated my grandma's aka "Monnie" by going to Logan's Steakhouse. I've ever been and even though it was good, I prefer Texas Roadhouse. I hope they both had wonderful birthdays and I hope they know we love them dearly!

I went to Goodwill last weekend...I'm a sucker for their extra 50% off days, and got this frame, which I painted with a can of spray paint, two other frames, a shelf for the baby's room, and a game, all for $9.95! I was ecstatic! Not only is that quite a bit of stuff, but it gave me a few projects to work on. Not that I don't have plenty of those around here already. This project cost me maybe $2.50...I already had the spray paint and I got the 8x10 picture for free from a special that Walgreen's was having last week!I also got this picture for free too because I was able to print two coupons! I hope that's not considered let me and normally it won't if they don't want you too. Besides, the cashier didn't care!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!


Alissa Mott said...

Kara, I can't believe she is 8 months! Where does the time go?! What a little love she is! Always smiling! :) So cute!

Matt and Nikki Smith said...

LOVE the ballerina picture! Such a cute little girl you have Kara. She sure does grow up fast though...8 months?