Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kenny's weekend of Birthday celebrations!

Happy Birthday to the best husband, father, and friend I could ever ask for! Little did I know (maybe because I wasn't even born yet haha) that 26 years ago, God would put one of the most amazing men on Earth for me to marry! I am one lucky chick that's for sure!

Friday night, we had some friends over and it turned out to be a little birthday celebration too. I made enchiladas, we played some games, the girls chatted, and the guys played Madden. Katie made brownies and we attempted to sing Happy Birthday, but Kenny wanted no part of it...as you can see:)Saturday, we had a little birthday party at Peter Piper Pizza for Alyssa, one of Peyton's other cousins! We played games and ate some of the BEST pizza in my opinion! I love their pizza! Afterwards, we went to my cousins wrestling match with my parents and later they gave Kenny his birthday gift. Thanks to my parents, I have lost Kenny's attention for the next 52 Saturday nights to xbox live...my dad loves playing Modern Warfare and another one of my cousin's has xbox live too. So they play every weekend and could not wait to get Kenny in on the action too! Here's P giving Paige a kiss at their cousin's party. (More like trying to eat her cheek off!)Sunday we went to Kenny's parents' house and bbq'ed. We played cards and watched the last half of the Vikings and Saints game! Not that I have anything against the Vikings, but yay for the Saints! We also took a little walk by the wash that was really running from all the rain last week.Peyton was eyeballin' that cake! She just couldn't wait to dig in!Hanging out while the food was cooking!
Monday, P and I went to find Kenny a present! I know, the day of his birthday, nice huh...gosh I am such a procrastinator! In my defense, we were going to go on Friday, but Kenny got home early that day. When he got home Monday, which was really his birthday, I had all of his gifts wrapped and ready along with his favorite snack (pepperoni, cheese, and crackers) and cherry limeade from Sonic! We got him GTA, which turned out to be the wrong one, (but he pointed to the wrong one in the ad so it wasn't my fault) a dvd holder, which he has been needing desperately, and a jacket from American Eagle. I tried looking for a Lucky hat (since he threw his other one on to the ice last weekend at the hockey game), but I couldn't find a single one at Buckle, Macy's or Dillard's...oh well, I think gift shopping was a success anyways:) Here's just a couple pictures from the last week. I haven't posted any pictures of her teeth so here they are in all their glory! Please excuse the dried snot and carrots in and around her nose...I really didn't want to wake her up by cleaning her face and then not being able to get a picture of her pearly whites.Look at our big girl just sitting there playing. I dont know what it is about pictures showing her orange stained nose, but it really is not as bad as it looks in pictures. It's kinda funny actually:)

1 comment:

Alissa Mott said...

Thank you for your as always sweet comments on my blog!! :) Peyton is getting huge!! Look at those teeth! She is totally adorable! Happy Birthday to your hubby too! I am sorry his cowboys lost! I know what your going through, LOL Jordan is a die-hard Cardinals fan, so we are in the same boat!:)