Tuesday, September 8, 2009


**Very long post**
I never really blog like this, but I thought why not...Tonight we went for a walk down the street to the greenbelt in front of our neighborhood. It was so nice outside! We came home, I fed Peyton, and she fell sound asleep on her daddy's chest. Kenny and I decided to start watching the LOST seasons just for the heck of it a couple of months ago, we finished that and decided to start watching HEROES. Not as good as LOST, but it will have to do since the last season of LOST won't be on until January! Bummer:( I got a little sidetracked by my computer and decided to check email, read the yahoo headlines, check my fantasy team, and so on. I came across interesting articles and sad blogs that just got me thinking about my life. As my sweet, precious, healthy baby girl sleeps beside me right now safely wrapped up in my handsome and perfect husband's arms, for some reason or another I wanted to take time and just blog about the things I am grateful for in life.

I am so grateful for being able to take walks with my family. I am not only grateful that I have a family to walk with, but the physical ability to walk. I am grateful that my little girl can see the sky and be amazed by the trees when we walk under them. It was so fun to see her face and her eyes open so wide! It's like she was saying, "whoa! What are those?" I am grateful that she is healthy most of all! I am grateful I am healthy, my husband is healthy, our families, siblings, our parents, and friends are healthy. I am grateful that in this rough economy we are doing just fine. We have a roof over our heads and food in the fridge. Yeah, there are always things we want, like more money, bigger and better "stuff" but when it comes down to it, none of that "stuff" matters. I am grateful to have a husband who I know would do anything for me. I am grateful that we have parents that love us more than anything in the world. And now that we have a child of our own, I understand why my mom always said that to me.

Things I am in love with at the moment:
*My little family who is sleeping peacefully beside me

*A random text from my mom that says, "Goodnight baby, I love you"

*All of the pictures Kelli takes of P and instantly posts them on Facebook...what a proud auntie she is:) And by the way, we have a FB, but I think I have gotten on about 3 times and don't really care for it, but to those of you who commented on all of Kelli's updates and pictures from the day of my labor, Thanks:) She showed me!

*Oreo Klondike Bars! Yum!

*McDonald's vanilla iced coffee-I even save about $5 because it's not from Starbucks

*Bargain shopping, coupons, etc.


*Blogging about my baby girl

*Her perfect little smile

*Waking up next to her

*Weekend mornings-so I can wake up with my hubby too

*Spending time with our families

*Football season!

*Softball season! CO-ED and Kenny's men's team! I love chatting with Katie, Sasha, Brie and Aunt Deann on a weekly basis in the stands:)

*This is strange, but vacuuming! I love vacuuming and I wasn't able to for 4 weeks after delivery!

*The weather

and much more...it's late, I can't think...

More rambling
Last night me and Kenny were laying in bed and Peyton was between us and I said, "God, I love her so much!" He smiled and said to me, "I know, huh" He brushed his finger over her forehead and said "it's hard to explain, but she makes me love you even more." I never thought about it, but it's totally true. I didn't think I could love Kenny more, but until we became parents we see each other in a different way. Nothing matters more to us than her. She is our everything!

I love him:)


Alissa Mott said...

Kara, this is SUCH a cute post!...and thats what blogs are for, to write whatever you want and whatever you feel! Sometimes life just moves so fast that you dont stop to think about what you have and how lucky you are. Jordan and I do that once in awhile- just look aroud our house, and each other and think of how far we have come!..but its SO random, like someone is telling you to stop and slow it down! You guys are making such great parents, and Peyton is a lucky girl! I am happy you guys are so happy :)

Matt and Nikki Smith said...

That was really sweet Kara. I can tell you are such an awesome mom. Peyton is a lucky girl to have parents who love her so much. You should post "rambling" posts more often. I love reading them :)

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post. Peyton is lucky to have you...sounds like you and Kenny have a great marriage, which makes all the difference...especially during the rough spots. I love that you look at the positive and express gratitude for the great things in your life. We all need to count our blessings :)