Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Full of Smiles!

Peyton is growing like a weed! She is moving, smiling, and "talking" more and more everyday! And of course...getting cuter than EVER! I don't know what can be better than her gummy grin she flashes, but I am sure when she starts giggling we will say the same thing. She is becoming a chunkers too! I love her little double chin and her rolls on her legs! We are so blessed to have such a happy, beautiful, healthy baby girl. Obviously I am one of those moms who have to put those ridiculous, out-of-control kinda bows on her little girl, but they are so cute, how can I resist?!

Okay...are we done yet...because I am?Softball season is starting and I am really looking forward to playing again. Kenny has already started playing in his men's league. Luckily his games have been the later double-headers so Peyton and I have been able to go and hang out with everyone since it isn't too hot...she usually falls asleep:)
Going...Going...Gone...For Father's Day Kenny got a gift certificate to do this handprint with Peyton. The lady came over and did it when Peyton was two weeks old and it took her about four weeks to finish it. It's sad how much she has grown since then, but luckily he will always have something to look at and remember just how small she was. Kenny picked out the colors...It turned out great!She wasn't really enjoying it...Hope everyone has a good week!


Jon and Lara Stowell said...

Oh my gosh I LOVE that hand print thing. That is so cool! I can't believe she's almost 2 months old already. Doesn't time fly? It's kinda sad actually. I think I need another baby.

Matt and Nikki Smith said...

Kara, I love that hand print idea! I may just have to copy that one. Peyton is cute as can be. I love reading how much you are enjoying her. It's making me get a little excited. (A little excited is all I can manage right now due to all the nerves!)