Monday, March 23, 2009

Quick update...

One season of softball ended for Kenny and they ended up third. It's the league that he plays here in Queen Creek with my sister and some other friends and family. They got up on the team by 8 runs, who by the way was going for an undefeated season until we beat them in the playoffs to knock them into the loser bracket:) After that we could only score 3 more runs and in the 2nd to last inning they tied it up. We didn't score in the last inning and they had last bats and the batter ended up hitting a homerun out of the park for the winning run! Not hard to do when the fence is only 270! Obviously, I am a little bitter about it! But we played a great game and definitely had them scared at first, but they went on to win the whole tournament. I actually ended up having to play, which was the first time since I found out I was pregnant. Only because one of our girls were late and we would have had to forfeit so I only batted, but ended up 2 for 2. I wasn't really trying to run but Kenny of course was running along side of me telling me "easy, easy, they are going to second." But even though I wasn't running fast, I think it would have been impossible for me to run any faster. It was like those dreams when someone is chasing you and you are running in slow motion! I do believe that it is impossible for pregnant women to run! There are a couple other women who are pregnant on other teams and they played the whole season! I think that is so dangerous and stupid on their part. I will just continue to be scorekeeper, thank you! Whatever though...we still had fun this season and even though we lost, we still ruined the other team's undefeated season so it makes it a little better:)

Now as for baby news, she is kicking more and more everyday! I love that feeling! Sometimes I will wait to tell Kenny that she is moving because I don't want to stop feeling her myself...I know that's a little selfish of me, but I just can't help it! I can also tell that I am getting bigger every week! I am pretty much down to only 3 or 4 pairs of shorts and pants now. I have been looking for maternity stuff, but they just don't fit right yet. Hope everyone has a great week!

1 comment:

Matt and Nikki Smith said...

Kara, you make me laugh! I can totally picture this pregnant woman trying to run the bases and it creates a very funny image in my head! That is also so cute that you keep the kicks secret! Too funny! I am glad to hear everything is going well. Thanks for your comment. We are very excited. I am definitely checking your blog to see what is on the horizon for me ;)