Monday, March 30, 2009

Long, but fun weekend!

Friday, we had another appointment! Heard the heartbeat which is just always exciting as the first time! I gained another 6 pounds and can now definitely tell in my pants. I am down to one pair of my own pants besides sweats. I think it's time to try maternity clothes again. But, everything was good and now we start going more often! She is also moving around so much still and I can tell she is getting bigger and bigger! It is just the most amazing feeling! We are both getting very anxious and excited to see her and hold her! Kenny talks to her all the time and every night we put an ipod on my stomach so she can listen to it. I usually put on Jack Johnson, but Kenny thinks she likes Pearl Jam. She started moving while they were playing:) We also officially decided on a name...Peyton Lynn Holmes!
We also went to Kenny's parents' and had dinner, attempted to watch the U of A game, but were completely disgusted by their effort so we got caught up on LOST instead. Saturday, we went to Black Angus for lunch. We haven't been here since my senior year of high school and I forgot how good the food was! Kenny had a steak and I had shrimp with penne pasta and alfredo sauce...I recommend either-they were both delicious! We had to get ready and make sure our bellies were full for an adventurous time at Babies-R-Us! We registered for our baby shower! This was so much fun! Kenny and I went a little crazy, but pretty much everything we saw, we just had to have:) It took us almost three and a half hours! I think I will have to go back through our registry and edit some stuff because it was very overwhelming at times. I think we registered for three of anything and everything! We gotta give the girl some options:) Especially when it comes to things like sheets. She may like flannel over cotton or just never know:) I pretty much had control of the scanner in the bedding department, but when it came to the toys and safety stuff, Kenny took over. He is going to be such a great daddy! He scanned just about every outlet plug cover, cord cover, edge cushioner, doorknob cover, and anything else imaginable! I think we should just wrap our baby in bubble would be cheaper and Kenny wouldn't have to worry! We just could not make up our minds. Here is a funny story that will probably make you did one point we had scanned so much that it said "registry full" on the screen. So I took it up to the counter and asked the lady for another scanner and she looked at me and says, "What do you mean it's full?" I told her her again, "Well it's not letting us scan anything else because it says it's full." And she says while laughing, "how much stuff did you guys scan?" And I said, " I don't know, maybe like 250 things." I told her we were really good at this kind of thing because with our wedding we registered for 30 pages of stuff! Anyway, so she gave us a new gun and off we went. I started looking at all the breastfeeding stuff and maybe 5 minutes later I went over to get the gun from Kenny and I look down and he already had the scanner back up to 160 items! He was standing in front of the pacifiers and I think he scanned every single one and then some! He said to me, "well, this one helps reduce the risk of SIDS, this one does this, this one does that, and so on..." So basically, I think we will just need a diaper bag for the pacifiers themselves:) It was a lot of fun though, even though my legs were killing me and Kenny was starting to fade fast in the end. Afterwards, we went to Home Depot and got the paint for the nursery! We were going to start it that night, but our minds quickly changed after our butts hit the couch. So Sunday morning we woke up and painted the pink part of the room. What a difference it made! Pictures will be posted later:) Then, I made $30 by selling an MP3 player on craigslist that I came across while cleaning. I posted it and not 30 minutes later a lady emailed me. She didn't live far so we met at the gas station down the street. We then went to target and registered there, as well. I saw a few little things there for her room and we figured Target might be more convenient for people than Babies-R-Us. Then, we went to my parents and had dinner and Kelli and I started to make the shower invitations. So far we only have the front finished...

My mom was out with their horses this weekend and came across these cute little guys in one of the stalls!

I feel that we got a lot accomplished this weekend! Hope everyone else had a great weekend!


Jon and Lara Stowell said...

You seriously are so cute. Just a tiny lil girl with a basketball under her top. HA! I love the name you picked. Super cute. Please don't forget about me when you send out those invites :) I wouldn't miss it for the world!!! Love ya.

Alissa Mott said...

Kara, you are the cutest!! :) You are going to have the most adroable baby! I cant wait for you! Thank you so much for the sweet comment you left about the post I made about my are VERY sweet:)