Monday, April 5, 2010

Peyton's 1st Easter Celebration!

Here we were a year ago...Now look at our little family!(Yes, I know, I need to do something about that farmer's tan! Haha)We had such a great Easter! We were planning on going quad-riding Sunday with my family so we actually celebrated Easter Saturday evening with Kenny's family. The only bummer was that we were going to miss seeing the rest of Kenny's family at the park on Easter Sunday. Well, we ended up not going quad-riding and celebrated at my parents instead, but it worked out well since we were able to go to the park after all! We had a great time, as usual, but I didn't take any pictures! Peyton went on the swings, but I will have to get those pictured from Kenny's cousin...Yes Jen, YOU! Haha! After the park we went to my parents' and Peyton made out like a bandit with all her Easter baskets! She got snacks, toys, books, stuffed animals, clothes and I think four or five "big girl" cups. Even though this little girl only got about two 20-minute power naps in the truck, she was a trooper all day!Saturday evening, Kenny and I colored Easter eggs. Kenny made one for me-the one on the left...He put a football sticker and a little chick because I like the little chick from Wonderpets! Haha-I thought that was really cute! We had to write with a black sharpie because we didn't read the directions to know we were supposed to write with the magic crayon before coloring the egg:) That's ok, it was fun and they still turned out cute!
See ya next week for my 9 month update!

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