Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quick update...And some new pictures

We have gotten through almost a full week on our own! We have had so much fun with her and really the only thing you can do with newborns is just watch them. Kenny and I will just sit there and soak it all in because we know she will grow so fast. By the way, she has already grown 1/2 an inch:( We took her to the doctor on Monday and she weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces so slowly, but surely she is gaining her birth weight back. We also had to take her to get her heel pricked for a screening and that broke my heart because she had to be pricked twice! Daddy was holding her as I was holding her hands and kissing her head! But she was a trooper...just a little whine and she was done. She is one tough little cookie! She also smiled for the first time. I was in the kitchen and I heard Kenny laughing on the couch so I ran over and barely caught the last bit of her showing off her top gums! Oh it was adorable! She has smiled since, but I can't get a picture of it! It is amazing how long you can sit there and do absolutely nothing but stare at something you made with someone you love and be perfectly content. A few things that we have learned:
1.She hates being on her back-Oh man it's just the END OF THE WORLD when we change her diaper! She is ok when she sleeps, but if she is awake, don't even think about it!
2. We learned to keep the diaper under her until the new one is right there ready to take the dirty one's place (that only took 3 times...I think she loses control of her bladder because she is crying so hard) Luckily she is not a boy-but then again it probably wouldn't have taken us 3 times to learn that if she was:)
3. She would love to put that thumb in her mouth, which is a habit that we don't wanna try and break later...thank goodness for the cute little mittens
4. When she cries, something is wrong-usually only a dirty diaper...she is such a great babyCan't I just sleep without Auntie Kelli and mom playing dress up? Waking up after taking a nap with daddy.Meeting Aunt Katie for the first time! Me and my cousin Paige I always fall asleep in my boppyOur first family picture...well, the first one after being home and not in a hospital gown:) Those things are not very flattering. Another family picture
This is when I just want to scoop her up and kiss her all over! But I know she needs her sleep!Her first nap in her crib...only lasted about 10 minutes until we picked her up


Skaggs Family said...

She is just so precious! I'm super excited for you guys (as I'm sure you know!) I think Preston and Peyton sounds really good together.....! Keep the pictures comin'!

Alissa Mott said...

She really is totally adorable Kara! :) Congrats again! You guys make such a good looking little family!!

Matt and Nikki Smith said...

You have such a beautiful little girl and an adorable little family. Thanks for the comment. I have heard that its all worth it, but you can never hear it too many times. I hope your getting some sleep :)

Jon and Lara Stowell said...

I'm glad you're doing well. Your little family looks so happy! I'm happy for you guys. She's precious. Can't wait to see her again!