Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday we were invited over to Kenny's Nonni's house for lunch. She was planning to bbq, but after the forecast predicted rain, she made delicious sloppy joe's instead with beans, potato salad, deviled eggs (one of my faves!), and a delicious chocolate cake! Even though the rain changed our plans, the food was still great and weather like that couldn't get any better! I love the rain! That night we had a birthday party for one of our friends so we went over there for a little bit. I didn't take pictures, but Peyton met a new friend. She was so cute and such a CHUNK!:) We weren't there very long before Peyton started getting tired, but we got an intense game of catch phrase in:)

The Superstitions on our way to Nonni's on Saturday! Gorgeous!
These were growing in Nonni's yard and I though they were so pretty so she gave me some to plant! I hope they make it! We needed some color in our yard! We don't have a drip system yet and we don't want to spend money on plants if they are going to die so we will see how I do with these;)Sunday, we woke up early and since it was so nice outside, we did yard work! I don't mind doing yard work...I think I appreciate our yard even more when we put so much work into it. It was pretty bad though! Since we didn't plant winter rye there wasn't any yard work to do over the winter. The weeds started sprouting up recently and then with the heat, it just got out of control! So we spent the first half of the day cleaning it up! I wish I would have taken a before picture, but with the amount of weeds in this pile, you can imagine!Plus our garbage can was FULL of weeds!This is what we have left and the worst of it so I think we might hire someone for this half of our yard! Anyone know someone fairly priced?Our dogs sure do appreciate the clean backyard too!Angus enjoys the shade! Sunday evening we played softball at Skyline Park and won the first game of the tournament, but then lost the next game. It was still fun, but I realized I am out of shape! I almost had a homerun (inside the park of course and off of errors lol) but when I got to third base my team-mate was telling me to go and when I stopped I told him I couldn't because my legs were like jello! My hamstrings were already hurting from all my weed-pulling that morning! Hahaha! Then, I was playing left field and caught every fly ball that was hit to me except one because my left leg cramped up and I couldn't run! Its almost embarrassing to be honest, but I have to admit I am getting older and I need to stretch before any physical activity! LOL I hope everyone had a great weekend!


Ashley Madsen said...

Are we really already saying "I am getting older..." How did that happen? Where did the time go?

.mommy.maui. said...

Those flowers are gorgeous! We are thinking about planting some flowers for Earth Day next week. Our yard REALLY needs some color!