Sunday, December 13, 2009

5 months!

That's right, our little Sweet P is 5 months now! It is just amazing to me how fast our baby is growing! Every week she has new face reactions, makes new noises, giggles, squirms to move herself around more and it makes me a little sad, but it is so much fun to watch her reactions to her surroundings. She is still a little homebody when it comes to bedtime, which she will fight falling asleep and eventually gives up, but otherwise she is such good baby. She smiles all the time, even if a stranger talks to her, and I can't get enough of her gummy little grin! She just has the sweetest little personality! She also rolled over on the floor just the other day while I was getting ready. It was funny because as soon as I laid her down, I don't even think I was standing up straight before she rolled to her back. I tried to get it on video, but when I flipped her back she was good just like that:) She loves to eat and gets excited when it's breakfast, lunch, and dinner when she is in her high chair. We have really only been giving her sweet potatoes and squash for lunch, but I did try peas and she ate them, but it didn't seem like she was enjoying them. So I gave it about a week and tried them again and it just didn't seem like she was enjoying them once again. I kept trying for another minute or so and she actually gagged! So that was enough of those! She tried carrots and she does like those. She loves playing with her hands too. She sticks them out in front of her and just stares. She is reaching and grabbing and holding things like her toys which is really fun to watch with the ones that make noises. She figured one out that when you pull the legs, it vibrates back up. She talks to us and it is the most precious voice I have ever heard. I could listen to it 24/7! It is just simply amazing how much they learn to do in such a small amount of time! I also think she is very close to cutting a tooth or two! The other night was definitely the hardest we have had with her. She woke up and was just sobbing like an achy cry , I guess is the best way to describe it. I laid her on my chest in bed and wrapped one arm around her and with my other hand just massaged her gums until she fell asleep. It made me feel good knowing that I could soothe her by doing that. We felt so bad, and I especially did for Kenny because he had to get up the next morning for work. He is such a great daddy though, he was up with her too, and finally was able to fall back asleep once she stopped crying after about an hour.
Hmmm, how can I get outta here?Sleeping while mommy and daddy play Tiger Woods on 360...FUNNEST GAME EVER by the way:) I just wanna pick her up and squeeze her!We also went to Zoo Lights! We were invited to go with our friend, Don and his kids. It's been a while since we have been and we were so excited to see Peyton's reaction to the lights, but here she was all night long...until about 5 minutes before we left! She missed the whole thing! It is unbelievable how much time is put into setting up Zoo Lights! There is so much detail!When she finally woke up, we wanted to snap a family pictureI love this picture of her and her Auntie Kel!We went to Texas Roadhouse last weekend and Peyton was eyeballin' cousin Paige's dessert. So she shared a little with Peyton:)Paige was enjoying her dessert and we wanted a picture of her before she realized there was some on her lip!I love you PopPop!


Matt and Nikki Smith said...

Wow. 5 months! They grow up so fast! Kendyl is almost 3 months and it makes me sad and excited all at the same time. I didn't comment on the last post, but how cute is that? Those little glasses are priceless! You guys seriously have such a cute little family :)

Jon and Lara Stowell said...

It's been 5 months since I last saw you? Holy CRAP! HAHA! I swear you just had this baby. I hate how fast time goes. I love all her cute outfits and headbands. I WANT A GIRL!