Monday, September 28, 2009

Talk about WEIRD!

This morning I needed to get something out of the truck, so I opened the garage and walked out. As I walk out I see this huge tortoise lawn decoration on our driveway. My parents have one by their pool and that was the first thing I thought of. My cousin, Ryan, is the biggest prankster (one time he saw Kenny's truck at Home Depot. Well, Kenny used this truck as his work truck so he had a lot of stuff in the bed. When we came out everything was on the ground around his truck and while Kenny was trying to figure out what the heck was going on, Ryan jumped out of his truck a few vehicles over and was cracking up!) Anyway, I thought he was just pulling another joke and had gotten the one from my parents' house and was waiting for me to come out. (I didn't know why he would do it on a week day since he has a job and all, but it was the only thing I could think of) So I walk about 2 feet away from it and I open the truck door still looking at it and it moved its head! Needless to say, IT WAS REAL! I had no idea what to do! I went back inside and called Kenny. He was like, "shut-up, no way and laughing" thinking I am making this whole thing up or something! I was trying to explain to him that it was about as big as Peyton's swing-like the part she sits in. He said, "well take a picture of it and send it to me." He texted me back with "that thing is awesome" So I take my phone and my camera outside and right then an animal control truck comes pulling up in between our driveway and our neighbors. As he was getting out our conversation went something like this:

Me: I assume you are here for this?
Guy: No-with a look on his face about how mine was when I first saw it
Me: Oh, well can you do anything about it?
Guy: I am only here to leave a noise complaint about your neighbors dogs (we aren't the neighbors who called lol)
Me: Ok well who could I call about this thing?
Guy: AZ Wildlife or Game & Fish. I probably have the number so give me a second

He said it probably didn't come from too far away. But he thought it was pretty cool too. At this point I thought it was kinda neat myself:) So I went back inside and called my mom to see if she would come over and look so I had proof I was not lying because Kenny or my dad did not believe me! It was funny when I called my dad and was telling him that it looked like the one by their pool he was like, "nuh-uh, that thing is like 2 feet long" I said, "I KNOW! Dad, this thing is huge!" Well, my mom never answered and my dad thought I should ask my neighbors before I called G&F to come and get it. Apparently, people keep these things as their pets, but I didn't think of that. I was just afraid if it didn't get back to its natural environment it was going to die. So I went back outside to ask my neighbor and it was gone! I started looking for it and as I was walking next door I saw that it was on its way up to the front door walking across the driveway. I rang the doorbell and waited a minute, but he never answered. In the meantime the tortoise is getting closer and closer to me and Peyton so I started walking away. (I know it wasn't very fast, but it was still kinda scary) I was getting ready to walk back home and a couple houses down I saw someone come out of the garage where some people who just moved in this past weekend. He started jogging around the cul-de-sac looking between the houses so I figured right then it was his. I yelled at him and asked if this is what he was looking for pointing down at the tortoise. He laughed and said yeah while he was introducing himself and his "pet" It was crazy! Luckily, that animal control guy couldn't do anything about it. But wouldn't this thing freak you out! My mom called me back but, by then the owner came and got it. She thought it sounded really cool too and was bummed she missed my call earlier.

Of course I can't post anything without posting pictures of Peyton too! We celebrated my Aunt Deann's birthday Sunday and of course she is the center of attention!Oh nooo! We really don't want her to suck her thumb, but she will not take a pacifier either.I love pictures like this where her arms are up like she is dancing:)


Jon and Lara Stowell said...

Dang! That turtle looks like it belongs at the zoo!!! HAHA! We went to the zoo last week and I took pictures of this gigantic turtle, I'm about to post them so check it out.

P.S. Ryder only took a pacifier for a few months and then switched to his thumb and then completely quit altogether. It's probably just a phase I doubt she'll suck her thumb forever.

Skaggs Family said...

Thats so cool! I have the same kind of tortoise as a pet. his name is speedy and he is only a year old and the size of my palm but in a few years will be as big as that guy you found!! they are really good pets! they live in the backyard like a dog! And most are friendly too ;) I texted danny that picture you took of it next to your tire and hes like "ask her if we can have it!' lol

Peyton just keeps gettin cuter every day!!!!!!!!! we need to do a playdate sooN!