Saturday, July 11, 2009

Peyton has finally arrived!

Birthdate: 07/08/09
Time: 1:56 pm
Weight: 7 pounds 10 ounces
Length: 19 inches

Here we are getting ready to leave for the hospital-really weird knowing we wouldn't be back without our baby girl!
Here we are just after finding our I am dilated to a 10! Gotta love them epiderals! Officially a mama! About 20 minutes after delivery! The BEST feeling in the world! Look at her grip around my finger! Officially a Daddy! A proud one too! All ready to go home! I don't think Kenny has ever driven so slow:)At home all snuggled up with daddyHangin' out in my swing...This was mom and dads lifesaver the first night we came home and I was in party mode at 3 am! Even though we were at the hospital from Tuesday night until Friday morning the only time that I was at all uncomfortable was for the 10 minutes after they broke my water and then the next 10 minutes it took for the epideral to kick in. After I got the epideral I fell asleep for about 2 and a half hours. I woke up shaking really bad so Kenny went and got the nurse. At the time I got my epidural I was dilated to a this time when the nurse came in I told her it felt like I was pushing, but couldnt help it. She checked me and I was dilated to a 10! Peyton was still really high so they didn't want me to push or I would be exhausted. They let my contractions work her down until about 1:15 or so then I started pushing with my nurse about 5 times until my doctor got there. I pushed another 5 times and she was out! It was the coolest to see her for the first time. Kenny was the greatest and even cut the umbilical cord! He wasn't given much room at all to kidding like 1/4 of an inch! Dr. Gomez said, "ok dad, you wanna cut?" Kenny took the scissors and Dr. Gomez said, "right in between there." And Kenny, "was like, right there?" with a look like are you kidding me?! But we think that since we did the cord blood banking they couldn't waste much of it because they needed a certain amount of blood. After that, they did everything they needed to do with the baby and me and just like that it was over! We ended up having to stay an extra night because I was clotting really bad, but everything ended up okay! Thursday morning the pediatrician came and checked her and he told us he could hear a heart murmur. It's really common with newborns, but he wanted to take precautions and so they did an ultrasound. He called us Thursday afternoon and said everything came back ok. That was a scary, but thankfully everything came back great! Peyton is also such a strong little girl. She can wiggle out of her blanket and she will even pop her head up a lot! She also hates to have her diaper changed, but we think that is because she hates to be on her back! So dressing her is a chore as well. But, all in all she is such a blessing to us and not to mention the rest of our families! We are so in love and cannot get enough of her. I dont want to sleep, even though I know I should, but I just find myself staring at her and kissing her and I just cannot stop! I love her little lips and soft skin! She is just absolutely so perfect! We love her!


Joy said...

Congrats, she looks so cute! I'm glad everything went well with the delivery, babies really are a miracle.

Dallin used to wiggle out of the swaddle and wake himself up at night. I ended up buying a couple "miracle blankets" and they were lifesavers!

Matt and Nikki Smith said...

SHE'S HERE!!! and she is PERFECT!! I see a lot of Kenny in her. Congratulations you guys :) I dont live far and I am still on summer break so feel free to ask if you need ANYTHING...seriously! You guys are going to be great parents. What a lucky little girl!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kara! She is just beautiful!

Melissa said...

Oh Kara, she is gorgeous! :) What a beautiful baby girl! I see both of you guys in her! I am SO HAPPY that Dr. Gomez was able to deliver her! YES!!! He's the best!

Dillon has a heart murmur too and I was such a nervous wreck about it! Since he was born I have had to get an xray and an echocardiogram done, but just like Peyton he is fine too! Such a relief! You never want to hear anything negative about your baby! I am glad everything is ok!!!

Ok, you are probably going to think I am such a nerd, haha, but I thought it was kinda cool that her weight was 7.10 - see the Sports Authority link in that?? Hahaha - old school TSA - that is where you guys met right? Told you I am a nerd. Just thought it was cute! ;)

Congratulations guys! :)


Jon and Lara Stowell said...

YAY! You're home! I hate hospitals you can never get any good rest. I'm so glad she's healthy and everything is okay. Hope you're healing quickly! It's so amazing how fast your body heals after having a baby and how your stomach can go back to down to normal. And I can assure you it will, with time and breastfeeding. Ryder used to always wiggle out of his swaddle too and it would wake him up. Definitely get a miracle blanket! Well, once you're all healed and settled I would LOVE to come visit you and hold her.

Congratulations, again!

Lindsay said...

Congratulations! She is so precious.

Alissa Mott said...

Congrats Kara and Kenny! Kelli did an awesome job keeping everyone updated on facebook! She is totally gorgeous as expected!! I am so glad everything went well for you!! :) :)

Skaggs Family said...

Aww she is just precious and I can't wait til tuesday so i can give her a big kiss! When Preston was a month old in the hospital sick the doc said she heard a heart murmur too. She said it could be that he since he is sick his body is working overtime OR like you said, common in newborns. She explained it like their arteries are a little crunched sometimes since they are so small and as they grow it allows more room for the arteries to spread out. He just had his 4 mo. checkup and its gone now so I hope that gives you peace of mind. the way she explained it made a lot of sense.. anywho. cant wait to see her! oh and you guys too. LOL!

Ashley Madsen said...

Congratulations Kara!!! You look amazing and that is so exciting that your little girl is here! Hope things continue to go well for you guys. Enjoy all of it!

LoRi said...

Congrats, she is so cute. Katie was so excited to tell us you had her on 7-8-9, that is such a cool birthday. I cant wait to see her.

Max & McKinzi Hall said...

Congrats!!! She is beautiful! I was watching for Kelli's updates on facebook all day too! I'm so excited for you!!! Your gonna be the cutest little mommy!